Admission Enquiry Form
Dr. D. Y. Patil Unitech Society's
Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Management & Research
Pimpri, Pune 411018
Institute DTE Code: 6104

Centre of Excellence with Celebal Technologies

Context of Centre of Excellence

New age professional education is becoming increasingly outcome based. Most of the important outcomes revolve around employability of students and their appetite for entrepreneurship.

Constituents of employability are also becoming more complex, diverse in general but much focused in specific day by day. To cater to the need of developing specific skill sets without losing the focus of generic skill development, the concept of centre of excellence at institute has been developed.

Centre of Excellence is aimed at skills development of the existing students in short run and also to add to it executive development including alumni in the long run there by also developing MDP opportunities for the institute in the long run.

Collaborating Company for Centre of Excellence

Celebal Technologies is a Technology company dealing with products like Intelligent Enterprise, Supply Chain Solutions, University Chatbots, SAP / ERP Chatbots, Enterprise Chatbots and services like Azure, Data Services, Big Data, SAP Surround, MS Teams and AR VR.

Collaborating Company for Centre of Excellence

Celebal Technologies will screen and select set of students studying in MCA and MBA (Business Analytics Specialisation) for training and assess them in select technologies / domains. This training would last for 3-4 months. Based on the during and post training assessment, the final selected students will be initially offered an internship till the time of completion of their University program and eventually a full time job after that.

Centre of Excellence Activity by Celebal